Sunday, March 22, 2020

Living on the Edge

We are living in unprecedented times. 

The number of known Coronavirus cases in the United States is now between 32,000 and 36,000 (depending on which source you cite) with nearly 400 deaths and not enough test kits to cover the demand. 

People across the country are encouraged to stay home unless they have an imperative reason to venture out. Here in Orlando an 11:00 curfew has been imposed, all theme parks have been closed, and restaurants have gone to drive-thru or pick-up only.  

The absence of traffic has been interesting/remarkable/astonishing and, if I'm being honest, it's a nice, relaxing change...until I remember the reason for this "vacation destination" city turning into a veritable ghost town. 

This was Friday evening traffic (5:45p.m. March 20)

The first two pictures are normally extremely busy intersections. 

The last picture is the entrance to my apartment complex. Normally, traffic is so backed up at the light down the street, I have to turn in between cars who are kind enough to leave some space. 

This is our new normal for now. I have gone from spending between 3-5 hours a day awake and at home, to barely ever leaving. It's been an adjustment to say the least. We have been told to expect some remote training this week in anticipation of beginning online education March 30. This could last anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 months. Most believe the latter. I prefer to hold out hope for somewhere in the middle...maybe end of April. I just cannot imagine not seeing my kiddos again.

Thankfully, there is some light-hearted humor to enjoy. Of all I've seen, this is by far my favorite.

It was so wildly popular, it was followed up by a couple more

I could watch these over and over again all day long.

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