Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Saga of the Car Magnets

Growing up, my father refused to let us put any bumper stickers on our car. He claimed they looked awful, lowered the resale value, and were nearly impossible to remove. 

His reasoning shaped my view, and I adhered to it with every car I have ever owned. And then car magnets came on the scene, and I thought this was the greatest invention in the history of the world (ok...slight exaggeration)...until it wasn't. 

My first car magnet was our Disney Annual Pass magnet

That lasted all of one month before it was removed from my car by someone who, I guess, felt they needed it. 

Around this time, everyone was all enthusiasm for the Orlando City soccer team, and I was given this magnet to put on my car. 

That one lasted a couple months and then suddenly...gone!

I also had a magnet similar to this...lots of bling bling

This one, which I had actually paid money for, lasted 
-----------------------wait for it -------------------------

                          ONE NIGHT!!!

Yep...the next day it was already gone!  I was quite irritated about that one. 

The only magnet that stayed on my car was the Orlando Magic magnet we were given after one of the basketball games. 

Uh huh... the Magic were awful and no one seemed to want their magnet. It stayed on the car for 3 years!  

As soon as the Magic made the playoffs this year, it took all of one week for the magnet to go MIA. 

I had an identical one on the refrigerator, so I replaced it with that one.  

If you guessed that the second magnet lasted less than one week, you would be correct!  

As of now, I have zero magnets on my car...why bother. 

I do have a sticker in the window which I wouldn't mind being taken after the Great Playoff Collapse of 2019 (that's what I'm calling it).

It's similar to this one except the words are all in one line and it is a long, thin sticker. 

So, after careful review, magnet stickers are not that great!

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