Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Universal Summer #3

I'm still waiting for C.J. to send me the pictures but i wanted to blog about our Sunday evening Universal visit while it is still fresh in my head.  For now, I'll find pictures from google.

We had a quick and cheap dinner at Wendy's before heading into the park. While we were eating, it was absolutely pouring out and I had visions of being drenched by the end of the evening.  But fortunately, it stopped before we entered the park and did not rain for the rest of the evening.  

 It has been a while since we did the Horror Make-up Show so we started with that.  I always enjoy seeing my old HHN friends:

Then we headed over to the new Jimmy Fallon ride.  C.J. had been on it before but it was a first for Zack and me.  

I enjoyed it quite a bit.

After that, we headed over to a ride that I never tire of...the Mummy.

It was not busy at all (summer tourist season hasn't quite started yet), we decided to go on Gringotts and practically walked right on.

Then we made our way over to the Simpson's Ride and took a spin on Kang and Kodos/Twirl and Hurl.

C.J. and Zack went on the kiddie roller coaster - Woody Woodpecker - and then we ended the night with ET.  

We took a little detour on the way out to the parking lot to get some Menchies!!! Always a great idea!

And that is a wrap on evening #3.

***Again, all images were taken from google.***

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