Tuesday, August 16, 2016

In the Midst of the Chaos - School Started

According to Orange County, I am still not fit to be a classroom teacher so I had to be hired as a sub until we get the green light.  This stinks for a couple of reasons...even though they came up quite a bit from the hourly pay they normally pay their subs, it is still $700.00 less than I would be making under contract...and no benefits yet.  

Needless to say, I hope Orange County gets their crap together soon.  

I have a herculean task before me this year.  I have 14 second graders who went through 4 different teachers last year.  Looking at their test results from last year, it was very apparent that their academic progress halted in the middle of the year and then took a nosedive from there.  Bring it on...we can...we will!!!  

As is usual, I have a vast mixture of personalities among the 14.  I have a drama queen (or two or three maybe),  I have one boy who won't really talk and one boy who won't stop talking (haha).  But, overall, 14 sweet, adorable kids.  

My room

It's a work in progress.  Someone else set it up for me since I was sitting on the couch from August 1 - August 11 waiting for Orange County to decide if I was eligible to be hired as a teacher - seeing as I have 25 years experience teaching and all.  

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