Friday, June 3, 2016

So How is Life Going, Judy?

Geez, thanks for asking.  Let's just say I am on the verge of throwing a huge pity party for myself.  

I am living by Murphy's Law know, the one that states, "if something can go wrong, it will."  

Which is pretty much why I haven't blogged a whole lot lately... who wants all that negativity?  So I thought I would get everything out of my system in one, long, whinny, post! 

Here goes

1). Sports.  This seems frivolous and, yes, it really is...but it highlights Murphy's Law at it's best so I'm going with it.  The last couple weeks have featured finals for hockey and basketball.   
In Basketball:
- the Thunder vs. the Warriors
my pick: the Thunder
winner: the Warriors

- the Cavaliers vs. the Raptors
my pick: the Raptors
the winner: The Cavaliers

In Hockey:
- the Blues vs the Sharks
my pick: the Blues
the winner: the Sharks

- the Pens vs the Lightning
my pick: the Lightning
the winner: the Pens

And now in the Stanley Cup Finals
- the Pens vs the Sharks
my pick: the Sharks
um, yeah, the Pens are up 2-0!  

2). Medication
I ended up calling into work today for the very first time because when I went to CVS last night at 5:00 to pick up my medication, they wouldn't fill it for me.  Orange county laws governing controlled substances are ridiculous.  One thing that I absolutely CANNOT stand is being treated as a drug addict over this medication.  First of all, if I was a drug addict, I would have claimed the Lortab or Vicodin worked to control my pain, NOT this wimpy little Tramadol.  Secondly, no one has any idea of what I went through before I started taking this medication.  They don't know that I was within days of applying for disability.  They don't know that I cried some nights as I reeked of icy hot and wondered if life was worth living if I had to continue to live with pain day in and day out.  This medication has changed my life and I shouldn't have to BEG to get it.  
* Thankfully, this was rectified very easily today as I had the prescription transferred to Publix and they filled it - no questions asked.  I actually did not even need to take off work today but I thought maybe I would have to see my doctor today.  *

3). My best friend is visiting in a couple weeks so I went online and submitted requests for that time off - or so I thought.  As I was talking to CJ  about it yesterday, he told me that he did not think I submitted the request correctly so I went online last night to fix it only to find out that schedule was already out for that week...and that I am scheduled to work TUESDAY (the day friend is flying in), WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY!!!!!   What the what?  I never randomly work four days in a row!   It shouldn't be too difficult to give these shifts away but it is still a stress on me until I DO get rid of them.  

4). Last week I submitted over 40 resume's online for jobs anywhere between Daytona Beach and Tampa Bay.  My desire is, of course, to stay around Orlando, but I do not want to limit my options.  I accidentally submitted ONE application to a school in West Palm guess which school has contacted me and seems the most interested!   I DO NOT want to move 3 hours away.  One school near here had requested an interview but it is for a preschool teacher and I do not know the salary.  The Lord will Lead.  

5). I have had THE most difficult time getting my Florida driver license. I have tried three times and struck out every single time by not having correct evidence.  This last time I went, I bought a "copy" of my birth certificate instead of the original.  After confirming that that was the last missing piece of evidence required, I looked online and filled out an application, printed it out, added the requested self addressed stamped envelope, and the $20.00 check.  Finally, I included a color copy of my Wisconsin driver license for the ID that was necessary, and mailed it out the beginning of the week.  On Wednesday, I got a message from the Waukesha County Courthouse returning my call about requesting the birth certificate.  As I listened to the message, she basically said to do everything I had done and then I heard, "and be sure to include TWO forms of ID with the application!"  I looked again at the website which stated that if you were using a driver license as an ID then you only needed to provide one form of ID.  I guess we will see if I get my birth certificate or get the items returned to me.  If Murphy's Law has anything to say about it.............

And with that, I will end.  

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