Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I Struggle...but Occasionally it Pays Off

Raising teens is an experience.  

They seem to have their own set of acceptable rules and they usually don't look anything like the guidelines that you would have them follow.  

I think I struggle with Zack more than the other two because I play a very big part in his day to day school life (and I can hear my other two thanking God they didn't have to deal with that).  

Anyway, I see his daily interactions with those around him and I see his classmates and friends when they are hurting or being ostracized and that hurts me too.  

I try so hard to teach him that if you can't be nice to someone then don't say anything at all or walk away from the person.  

Sometimes I don't feel as if I am making any headway with him because he, of course, wants to follow the path of others and be accepted. 

But this past Saturday, God gave me a little pat on the back when I witnessed a conversation between Zack and a friend he had over.

They were discussing who the nicest person in their class was and the boy said, "I think you're the nicest boy in our class, Zack.  You're pretty nice to everyone."

YES!!!! Thank God for the small victories.

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