Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday - Time to Serve

Today, at school, was our re-scheduled serve-a-thon.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn't much better than the first time they cancelled it - it rained ALL DAY and the high temp was maybe 50*.

Most of the groups were scheduled to serve indoors so they didn't cancel it this time.  I should say all the groups except mine.

So I called an audible and decided to improvise.

The first thing we did was clean my Computer room. We were able to get everything all the walls and put away for the summer!

It looks so bare now - and I still have three days left.

Then we moved onto the art room and spent at least 3 hours cleaning that room.

They are taking a break in these pictures but trust me, they worked hard!

I was so proud of them because they, as a group, have a put it nicely...get off task quickly and get goofy.

But they didn't...and I rewarded them with an hour of free time in the Computer room when they were done.

And it just melted my heart to see these two first graders walking down the hall hand-in-hand to report a recess problem to the fifth grade teacher.

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