Saturday, September 29, 2012

Someone Got Into a Little Trouble This Morning

I let Ollie out this morning - as I usually do.  Only this time he seemed to be gone for a long time and not coming back - so I went to look for him.

I spotted him deep in our backyard lying on the ground, which he never does because if he's outside, he is running around and exploring.

So I called for him to come.  It appeared to me as if he couldn't get up.  he wanted to come but something was stopping him.  So I walked out to find out what was going on.

And this is what I found:

My husband had set this trap to capture the skunks that keep digging holes in our yard and used brats as bait to lure the unsuspecting creatures.

But the wrong unsuspecting creature was the victim.

And being the good dog owner that I am...instead of letting him out right away...I ran back inside to get my camera.

I'm only shocked that he didn't even bark or whine to get out and I have no idea how long he was in there.

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