Monday, November 28, 2011

A (Crazy) Day in the Life of Us

5:30 a.m. - I get up.  I usually get up at least a half hour earlier than usual on Mondays because we have a morning staff meeting.  Also, I usually get up at least a half hour earlier than I really need to so that I will have time to sit back, sip on a cup of coffee, do a devotional, watch some T.V., and peruse the internet.

6:40 a.m. Wake up Zack.  Again, about a half hour earlier than other days because of the meeting.  I also wake him earlier than I need to so that he will have time to relax before having to start morning rituals.

6:45 a.m. I finish getting ready.  Blow dry hair completely and get dressed.

7:00 Zack finishes getting ready.  Gets dressed, brushes teeth, combs hair, etc.  While I tranfer my coffee to a travel mug, feed and water the dog,  finish loading the dishwasher, and set it to run a load.

7:15 a.m. We are out the door and on the way to school.  Again, on any other day, push this time back about a half hour.

7:30 a.m. Arrive at school

7:30 - 8:00 a.m. Our once weekly staff meeting.  Today we just took prayer requests and prayed for each other.  We also talk about wins we see with the children; when we see them displaying one or all of the following: 1). academic excellence, 2). servant leadership, and 3). discipleship

8:15-9:00 My first class - 7th graders.  They are working on a zoo project using Microsoft Excel, Word, and Publisher.  Today they created a maze in Excel, and a matching game in Word for their Educational Packets.

9:05-9:50 My second class - 8th graders. They are creating websites using html.  Today they inserted a hexidecimal color into the background of their 4 pages.  They learned how to mix colors to create a unique hexidecimal.

9:55-10:40 My third class - 6th graders.  Sixth grade is finishing up a unit on Microsoft Word so  today we reviewed shortcuts using ctrl and they edited a Bible verse complete with borders.

10:40-1:05 I have absolutely nothing during this time.  I usually look ahead into lesson plans or troubleshoot problems with the computers.  Today I got things ready for the 4th and 5th grade lessons this week.

1:05-1:50 My final class - 4th grade.  4th grade is also working in Microsoft Word, only on a simpler level than 6th grade.  They, too, reviewed shortcuts today, typed out this week's Bible verse, and then edited it using the shortcuts ctrl A,ctrl C, ctrl N, ctrl V, ctrl E, and ctrl P.

2:00 - the thought of spending another hour and a half in the room with nothing to do bores me so I head home instead.

2:15 - Home.  I empty the diswasher, talk to C.J. about our upcoming trip to Florida, and sit down to watch a half hour episode of The Office with him.

3:15 - Leave to go pick up Zack from school.

4:00 - Home, after also picking up McDonalds for Zack - a Monday night tradition in our house.

4:00-5:00- I let Zack eat and relax while I get things ready for tomorrow, i.e. set the coffe, get clothes out, lunches packed, and check Zack's planner for his homework.  I also correct a few papers that are lying around.

5:00- 5:30 - make Zack sit down and write two journal entries and then go over his English homework with him.  He is not too great at self completing homework in the evening because the effect of his Concerta is starting to wear off.  Therefore, his mind drifts and I need to sit next to him to keep him on task.

5:30 - 6:00 - Hubby is home from taking Jon back to college so we sit and talk about how our days went while Zack has some video game time.  I also move beds around as Zack will now sleep in Lauren's old room while C.J. sleeps in Zack's room (because his room has the T.V.).

6:00-6:30 I take a quick bath while Zack gets his practice clothes on.  I will usually take a bath at night and then just wash my hair in the sink in the morning. 

6:40 - Leave for basketball practice.  This is the most inconvenient time for practice, especially for those of us that live 15 miles from school and cannot go back and forth easily. 

7:00-8:30 - Practice time.  I drop Zack off at school, make a Taco Bell run for a $.99 chicken flatbread sandwhich because I realize that I haven't eaten yet today! **sigh** How I wish that would translate into losing weight but it never may as well go with the Taco Bell.  Then it's back to school where I sit in my room and review some html anchoring and linking which will be coming up in a couple weeks.

8:50 - Home again.  Take our nighttime pills.  Both Zack and I take melatonin and I also take 90 mg of Allegra before bed.  Zack also has a cream that needs to be applied to his face every night.

9:00-9:30 Relax, watch T.V.,  and have a snack (Zack does...not me...still full from the flatbread snadwhich)

9:30 - Bedtime! 

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays are usually this busy, then it settles down a bit.  Also, once December is over, basketball settles down too.  But for now...we are in overdrive!

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