Saturday, July 9, 2011


Well.... sort of.

Zack and I have spent the past five days in Iron Mountain, Michigan at the summer home of my parents and visiting my grandma each day.

We spent Tuesday driving up there... which means I was in the car as the Casey Anthony verdict was delivered.  C.J. called me and turned up his T.V. so that I could hear the results first hand... and then spent the next 4 days in shock... there will never be any answers... or any justice for this little girl.

When I would teach my fourth graders about the U.S. Constitution I would tell them about Double Jeopardy and it would always spur an interesting discussion about whether it was a good law or a bad one. And here it is slapping us in the face, as now, ALL charges having to do with the death of her little girl are off limits... she has been determined to be "not guilty"... but yet, "not innocent" according to one the jurors herself.  Umm... what else is there?  I am thoroughly disappointed that the jury reached this verdict in 10 hours without reviewing even 1 piece of evidence!!... but, considering this was Florida... I am not surprised.  I know from living there... it is pretty messed up!

Anyway, there is some beautiful country up there in the U.P. 

We hiked Mole Hill.  There is an opening from a cave where bats are said to fly out... luckily we didn't see any...just beautiful scenery.

We also hiked along Piers Gorge

By night time the dog looked like this;

We also went to an outdoor concert in "downtown" Iron Mountain.  Good times with music and lunch.  

Unfortunately, Grandma is continuing on her good day/bad day routine.  Most of the days we were there were good days for her... "good" being a relative term meaning that she was coherent and eating and drinking.  She is still confined to bed...and probably will be from now on.  She talks but she slurs her speech so badly that she is difficult to times she can feed herself and other times she needs to be fed.   

Anyway, we had a fun time and are looking forward to going back soon.

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Screaming From the Lion's Den

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