Friday, May 27, 2011

Last Day of School

Yep, today was the last day of school at OCS.

In years past, this day has brought me to the brink of tears.

Today... nope.nothing.nada.

This year, I had no class in which to bond with.

This year I had no kids to fall in love with.

This year I had no feeling of not wanting the school year to end.

This year I was not unhappy today


In fact... today I felt just the opposite.

I was glad...

Now I can stop thinking about what I would have been teaching had I been teaching - make sense?

Now I can pretend I am on summer vacation like all the other teachers.

And keep praying for God to make clear His plans for me for next year!!!

Anyway....Zack was up at 6:15 this morning b/c he was so excited to "graduate" from 5th to 6th grade.  And, yes, we did go to the ceremony at school this morning so he could feel connected to his classmates.  However, I did not have my camera since my BF's daughter has borrowed it for her trip to Florida. 
As is tradition for his school, his teacher assigned him a character trait - something that describes his character.  In fact, his teacher assigned each of her kids two.  So his traits were:
1). Attentiveness: Now, this surprises me some b/c sometimes Zack still seems oblivious to things around him.  I largely blame myself for this b/c as a child I would let him bring toys everywhere with him.  Whether to EPCOT, Magic Kingdom, church, the boys' karate practice.... he would bring toys (usually a couple Thomas the Tank Engine toys) along and I loved it b/c they would keep him so occupied and entertained...  but I soon realized that this also created for him his in his own little world... a world where he could ignore everything and everyone around him -which turned out to be a bad thing.  It has taken quite some time to work through this....and we  still are working through this... but apparently, he has made some leaps b/c his teacher credited him for being attentive to others feelings and actions!!
2). Courtesy:  I am particularly proud of this one b/c he has gotten this trait in 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade. (hmmm...not 4th?... forgot who his 4th grade teacher was... oh yeah... me). Anyway, all his teachers have described him as being respectful. Because he has ADHD I know he has trouble with self-control.  He means well but can do or say things spontaneously that may get him in trouble.  And when that inevitably happens... I want to know that he is courteous and respectful to the authority that is helping him and guiding him to make better choices.  

So, after the short ceremony and after free root beer floats in the parking lot - he went to a classmates house for a big 4th/5th grade party for the afternoon where they ran around and ate and played tag and jumped on the trampoline (and would have gone swimming had it been any warmer than 60* today- ugh).  Now we'll see what time he crashes tonight!

This is a long entry and I wanted to write something about my beautiful son who is graduating next week... and my other beautiful son who is flying home in just one short week... and the Tampa Bay Lightning who are one game away from the Stanley Cup finals.... but I'll have to save all that for the next entry.Soon.

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