Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fly Baby Fly

My son is leaving tomorrow... maybe for just a few months... maybe for good. He is having second thoughts about leaving his friends here in Wisconsin but since we had planned (admission and housing) for him to go to the University of North Florida in Jacksonville and since money has been paid, we need for him to at least give it a try. So, now the plan becomes for him to go at least one semester and then if he wants to transfer to a university in Wisconsin, he can.

It is no secret that I want him HERE.. near me... but it is about him, not me. So,if he ends up back here - I will be ecstatic, of course. But if he decides he likes it in Florida... then I will let him go... and pray that he flies and follows his dreams!

Five years of Christian education has hopefully instilled him with a Christian worldview that he will carry with him always. It is time for him to go forward and be responsible to continue his walk with God. I pray that he will seek God always and follow in his ways, walking the path God has planned for him. However, the reality is that many children who were raised in a Christian environment do go astray in college. It is difficult to remain above reproach when all around you people are living for themselves and their number one goal is self gratifcation.

It is so surreal that in less than 24 hours the son I have lived with for nearly 19 years is leaving and will, most likely, never live with me again! For the past 1.5 years he has wanted to go to a restaurant called Fudruckers. Each time we would go to the Appleton mall he asked to go and everytime I'd say "no, (money) but we'll go before you leave for college. I promise." So even though this is not the best time financially, guess what we finally did tonight? Yep, Fudruckers. Now he is off to a party that his friends are having for him and he asked me to pick him up insetad of him getting a ride home because he thinks he might cry.

Goodbye my sweet boy. Fly high and fulfill your purpose in life! I Love You and am always here for you!

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