Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Thought I Was Done With This

Apparently our pooch has turned into quite the mama's dog lately. He follows me everywhere I go - yes, even into the bathroom. He will follow me down three flights of stairs - just because. Other people in the household can come and go as they please BUT if mama DARES to leave without my furry friend - oh the howls and whines are pathetic. He reminds me of a baby with separation anxiety and I thought those days were behind me when Zack turned three.

Today was the most pathetic though. I was in my bedroom and had the gall to close my door. So, he goes to the top of the steps so my step-daughter can see him and starts to whine.... she ignores him, so he comes down a few more stairs and cranks it up a notch to pathetic wailing. So, she gets up to see what he wants and, low and behold, as soon as she gets close to him, he runs upstairs and stands at my bedroom door and looks up at her to let him in!!

He knows how to get what he wants.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekend in the UP

Zack and I went up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, just over the border, to Iron Mountain where my parents spend the summers. It was a beautiful day - sunny and 80* - so they took us to a nearby park that had a path, waterfalls, and LOTS of stairs to climb! We also wento to visit my grandma and wnet to the ski jump and deer park. We had a great weekend and I was happy to be with my daddy on Father's Day.

Some pictures of us on our walk.

Ooh! What's that?

And finally, Zack got a hold of the camera and took a silly piture of himself

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dog Obsessed

Ollie is absolutely obsessed with going for rides in the car. This is in total contrast to just a couple months ago when he hated the car! It is so bad that when he doesn't get to go along we can hear his pathetic wailing and crying from inside the house. He reminds me of a baby going through separation anxieties!

So, he has a foolproof way making sure he gets to go along!

As soon as I get the keys out of the drawer he runs to the door. And if you don't come quick enough, he will run around and start whinning!

Then he stands at the door so there will be no chance that you will leave without him

Waits by the van door so that he can jump in


Ah... success.. I am going for a ride!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fly Baby Fly

My son is leaving tomorrow... maybe for just a few months... maybe for good. He is having second thoughts about leaving his friends here in Wisconsin but since we had planned (admission and housing) for him to go to the University of North Florida in Jacksonville and since money has been paid, we need for him to at least give it a try. So, now the plan becomes for him to go at least one semester and then if he wants to transfer to a university in Wisconsin, he can.

It is no secret that I want him HERE.. near me... but it is about him, not me. So,if he ends up back here - I will be ecstatic, of course. But if he decides he likes it in Florida... then I will let him go... and pray that he flies and follows his dreams!

Five years of Christian education has hopefully instilled him with a Christian worldview that he will carry with him always. It is time for him to go forward and be responsible to continue his walk with God. I pray that he will seek God always and follow in his ways, walking the path God has planned for him. However, the reality is that many children who were raised in a Christian environment do go astray in college. It is difficult to remain above reproach when all around you people are living for themselves and their number one goal is self gratifcation.

It is so surreal that in less than 24 hours the son I have lived with for nearly 19 years is leaving and will, most likely, never live with me again! For the past 1.5 years he has wanted to go to a restaurant called Fudruckers. Each time we would go to the Appleton mall he asked to go and everytime I'd say "no, (money) but we'll go before you leave for college. I promise." So even though this is not the best time financially, guess what we finally did tonight? Yep, Fudruckers. Now he is off to a party that his friends are having for him and he asked me to pick him up insetad of him getting a ride home because he thinks he might cry.

Goodbye my sweet boy. Fly high and fulfill your purpose in life! I Love You and am always here for you!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Graduation Weekend

I still remember very distinctly a September morning in 1994 when my little tow-headed 3 year old son clutched the hand of his teacher on the first day of preschool. He was shy, quiet, and unsure about the whole situation but he tightly held onto that hand and walked off with her for his first school experience. Now, nearly 16 years later, my little boy graduated from High School! The whole graduation experience with him was emotional and personal. You see, he is part of a class of only 18 students... most of them have been together for all four years (even more), ... and I know each of them personally because I work in the same building. So, to see them all in their gowns and caps, was emotional. The ceremony itself was very intimate and personal starting right away when the raduates walked in with one parent on each arm as Pomp and Circumstance played in the background. I really tried hard to hold in the tears so that I would not be crying in the pictures that were taken at this point. Midway through the ceremony the graduates handed out flowers to their loved ones and then we listened to their testimonies as they thanked those they wanted to show appreciation to. The ceremony laster a good 1.5 hours and was the nicest graduation I've ever been to.

Since the parents walked in with the graduates I do not have any pictures of that. There was a photographer there taking pictures so possibly I can scan that picture when I get it.

During the ceremony

Salutatorian Curtis Lake

Valedictorian Alyssa Frees

receiving his diploma from Principal Masseth (sorry it is blurry: zoom lens +movement = blurry arg!)

walking out after the ceremony

with grandma and grandpa Olson

with mom and dad

Showing off his diploma!!

C.J. wouldn't let us take many pictures after the ceremony but we were able to get some: with friend Betsy.

an informal one with Science teacher Mr. Davis

with History teacher Mr. Winkels

and with friends James and Rachael

After the ceremony we had a joint party with 50+ people from all four sides of the family. Despite the fact that it rained it went fairly well. We served hamburgers, hot dogs, and brats, with side dishes and had a ton of food left over!

On Sunday, Lauren graduated from Omro High School. There was a huge difference between the two graduations. I was, quite frankly, shocked that kids came to graduate in shorts, jeans, high high top tennis shoes, and flip flops!! It was just very informal and impersonal and a complete letdown after yesterday's ceremony. At least Lauren looked wonderful in her new dress and high heeled shoes.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The End of an Era

Friday we wrapped up yet another school year - my last. For the past three and a half years I have been teaching the fourth grade, C.J. has been in the High School, and Zack has been in the Elementary School. Now, all that is over. C.J. will be graduating on Saturday, I am oing back to school in fall, and Zack will be home-schooled.

I managed to keep myself together for most of Friday morning, repressing certain feelings that would make me sad. However, when my principal called me up to recognize me and the parents gave me a standing ovation, I lost it! I cried for a while, regained my composure, and then went back to my classroom and cried again!

I feel at peace with this decision knowing that God is calling me to do this and then will follow whatever paths he opens for me after I am done with school.

So, summer begins! Tonight I am going shopping for a new USB cord so that I can take graduation pictures and upload them here.

Screaming From the Lion's Den

  I heard that phrase in a song a few days ago and I felt it so aptly described my situation and feelings right now.  Screaming From the Lio...