Then and now
Today Zack is 11. Time goes ridiculously fast. We did not celebrate too much this weekend. Since he was in a basketball tournament all weekend, we could not have his friend birthday party. We were able to go to one of our favorite restaraunts for dinner last night, and today I made chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, and a cake, and we ate before Jerry left for work.
As I mentioned earlier, Zack had a basketball tournament this weekend and in all they ended up playing one game friday night, and three games Saturday. He was also able to play a lot in all the games since there were so many missing players due to illness, injuries, or academic restrictions (report cards came out Friday). He did pretty good in the games, creating a couple steals and a couple turnovers. He was proud and it is just what he needed for his self-esteem.
Speaking of report cards, I have to brag on my kids: Zack had four A's and Two B+'s (and the two B+'s were both 89%). C.J. got three A's, two B+'s, and a B! I'm so proud of them and I still think pulling Zack back to fourth grade was the right decision, regardless of his report card.
We are beginning to look into some testing for Zack for something called Scotopic Sensitivity Disorder. It is a vision disorder that would explain much as to why he cannot cut on a line, writes with all different sized letters, cannot cursive write or tie his shoes, why he did not ride his bike till he was 8.5 years old, why he cannot walk a stright line, and why he has so many small and gross motor issues. The correction for this issue is - color! I also think Jon has this as well since he also cannot read or write cursive, and continually complains of headaches when he reads. (And I just thought that was a copout and he was lazy). Testing costs $50.00 and I have a call in to the lady who does the testing. For now, I am just going to get Zack tested but, depending on the outcome,I may have Jon tested as well.
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