Saturday, January 9, 2021

Dark Times

 Two months ago, my stress level was at an all time high.  Political social media posts would show up on feeds daily and the dichotomy between the two political parties seemed more intense than any other election year that I can remember. 

At the forefront of my stress was how members of each political party, instead of acknowledging legitimate facts and findings, seemed only to spew ideas or repost articles that furthered their possibly skewed political agendas.  

My stress was compounded by the fact that I had recently parted ways with my long held political beliefs which put me at direct odds with some of my nearest and dearest family and friends. 

I foolishly assumed after the election was over, whatever the outcome was, political agenda posts would slowly taper off and things would go back to normal.

I could not have been more wrong. 

Between rapidly rising coronavirus numbers which have reached record numbers today for both our state (19,530) and our country (300, 594) with no plan in place other than to continue with the absurd herd immunity approach, and with a leader who calls for peace but continues to stoke the fire by maintaining his fraud narrative, we are experiencing dark times. For the first time in my life, I am embarrassed to live in this country I once was so proud of. 

And Wednesday, January 6...our country reached an all time low in my opinion.

I hope that feeling soon changes.