Welcome to another addition of Things That Could Only Happen to Me (or as the title states, TTCOHTM)
A little back story:
On Wednesday June 5 I got a call from my bank while I was driving to work. The caller asked me if I would be able to make it into the office that day to deposit money in my checking account because, according to her, I had a debit scheduled for $1,295 and a balance in the account of only about $700.
I recognized that $1,295 because that is my rent but the available funds in my account confused me. I told her that was not possible. Not only did I have my paycheck (which is OVER $1300) directly deposited in the account on the 31st, I had also deposited a $700 check in there on Saturday the 1st. She told me she would look into it and call me back.
Once I got to work I checked my online statement which showed that my rent had been taken out the day before (the 4th) and that the $700 was the balance AFTER the rent withdrawal. I called her back to let her know that and did not give it another thought.......
Until July 1st when I logged in to pay my rent again and noticed it was more than usual. I made a payment for the usual $1295, and then went into the office to ask about the overage charges.
Imagine my shock when they told me my June rent payment had been returned for Non-Sufficient Funds. They gave me a printout that showed on June 2 at 2:22 pm, the transaction had been declined. The transaction went through on June 4 - even though there was the same amount of money in the account both days.
I had no choice but to pay the $50.00 fee or else they would charge me a late fee. Meanwhile, my bank also charged me a NSF fee of $36.00. I was furious!
Over the next week, I made three visits to my bank and each person I talked to was as confused as I was. In their big book of NSF transactions, the date of the transaction was June 5. Meanwhile, I am flashing my bank statement at them that shows the transaction went through on the 4th so of course funds would not be available on the 5th! Duh!
In the end, the bank finally refunded my $36.00.
Now, my attention turns to my apartment complex, their bank, and getting my $50.00 back. It took me a while to realize this, but June 2 was a Sunday. Banks don't do business on Sundays. Even if a person has an automatic withdrawal set up and the day falls on a Sunday, the transaction will take place the following Monday. So...why the bank is attempting to complete a transaction on Sunday is beyond me. And I must add, my bank has no record of this transaction ever even being attempted on the 2nd.
Confused? Me too. All I know is I am still out $50 yet and whatever happened was not my fault! So...I fight on.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Thursday, July 11, 2019
The One Day Trip
First, I want to wish a very happy birthday to my baby boy!!! Yes, he turned 28, but he will always be my baby.
Each year, I travel to Wisconsin for a doctor visit. As long as I do this, my doctor continues to call in my medication for me which saves me a lot of time, money, and hassle. Plus, he has been with me from the beginning of my journey. We both will never forget the appointment on September 19 when I was in tears (yep...REALLY crying) because I could not take the constant pain anymore. At that time I was taking up to 5-6 Lortab a day and was going through about 4 jars of Icy Hot a week.
We discussed the success some people with Fibromyalgia had experienced with Tramadol and I was 100% on board. CHANGED MY LIFE!!! The relief was immediate. Here I am almost 6 years later...pain free.
This year the trip was a whirlwind one day affair.
I was dropped off at the Orlando airport at about 3:45 yesterday. By the time I checked in, went through security, and took the tram over to the gate section, I hopped right in line to board and was one of the last people on the plane. The timing was perfect.

The cheapest flight I could find routed me all the way to Denver first. That was a pretty long flight (3.5 hours). Then I had a layover in Denver that ended up being about an hour, and another 2 hour trip to Milwaukee.

I arrived a little after midnight and my aunt and uncle were there to pick me up and brought me back to their house to spend the night. This was such a blessing as I just planned to spend the night in the airport.
After about 5 hours of sleep, we were up and they drove me to Oshkosh for my doctor appointment.
The appointment itself was only about 1/2 hour, then we met up with my BFF Carey and had lunch.

My aunt and uncle also drove me back to the airport and came in and had dinner with me.
What a different experience. 2 minutes to check in, 2 minutes to get through security! Compare that to Orlando that had a combined time of 45 minutes.
My flight Milwaukee to Orlando was running about 45 minutes late. It ended up being a terrible flight...nothing the airline could do about it, just wicked turbulence just about the whole trip. I'm talking no let up for 5-10 minutes at a time.
Finally landed in Orlando after midnight! Exhausted!
Each year, I travel to Wisconsin for a doctor visit. As long as I do this, my doctor continues to call in my medication for me which saves me a lot of time, money, and hassle. Plus, he has been with me from the beginning of my journey. We both will never forget the appointment on September 19 when I was in tears (yep...REALLY crying) because I could not take the constant pain anymore. At that time I was taking up to 5-6 Lortab a day and was going through about 4 jars of Icy Hot a week.
We discussed the success some people with Fibromyalgia had experienced with Tramadol and I was 100% on board. CHANGED MY LIFE!!! The relief was immediate. Here I am almost 6 years later...pain free.
This year the trip was a whirlwind one day affair.
I was dropped off at the Orlando airport at about 3:45 yesterday. By the time I checked in, went through security, and took the tram over to the gate section, I hopped right in line to board and was one of the last people on the plane. The timing was perfect.

The cheapest flight I could find routed me all the way to Denver first. That was a pretty long flight (3.5 hours). Then I had a layover in Denver that ended up being about an hour, and another 2 hour trip to Milwaukee.

I arrived a little after midnight and my aunt and uncle were there to pick me up and brought me back to their house to spend the night. This was such a blessing as I just planned to spend the night in the airport.
After about 5 hours of sleep, we were up and they drove me to Oshkosh for my doctor appointment.
The appointment itself was only about 1/2 hour, then we met up with my BFF Carey and had lunch.

My aunt and uncle also drove me back to the airport and came in and had dinner with me.
What a different experience. 2 minutes to check in, 2 minutes to get through security! Compare that to Orlando that had a combined time of 45 minutes.
My flight Milwaukee to Orlando was running about 45 minutes late. It ended up being a terrible flight...nothing the airline could do about it, just wicked turbulence just about the whole trip. I'm talking no let up for 5-10 minutes at a time.
Finally landed in Orlando after midnight! Exhausted!

Saturday, July 6, 2019
Discourse in the Workplace
"Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have be liked, but it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised."
....................................Michael Scott (and Judy Koeck)
News Flash: I am a VERY non confrontational person. I don't handle conflict well and I don't understand at all the people who tend to thrive on it, create it, or go looking for it.
My basic work philosophy is; be kind, be helpful, and try to be a blessing to those around me. I'm very chill at work and I am friendly to everyone. So today at work I had quite the experience that leaves me shaking my head still!!!
Let me say that this was one of the most stressful days for a lot of people at work! We had a group of 400 students and it required a lot of patience and teamwork. I don't really get stressed at work because I tell myself as bad or busy as it seems, nothing will last forever. I am only serving food for crying out loud, and the worst that can happen is someone waits 20 minutes for a cheeseburger or fish and may not be happy. No big deal. I have no control over how fast the food comes from the kitchen, but I can be friendly and do the best I can to accommodate the customers, so if they leave upset, it's not because of anything I've done.
Setting the Scene:
I was standing at the counter, with about 5 other servers waiting for cheeseburgers. The cooks were having a very difficult time turning them out as quickly as we all needed them and several customers had been waiting upwards of 15 minutes. I had my hand resting on the raised platform where the food is placed when it is finished. I need to add that this is a habit of mine; I do this all the time. As far as I was concerned, I was patiently standing there waiting my turn. I wasn't upset, frustrated, or angry.
The Act:
Anyway, my hand must have irritated the young girl next to me because all of the sudden she shouts, "get this lady her cheeseburgers first, because she is annoying the hell out of me." I turned to her (shocked) and asked, "who me?" She replied that I was exhibiting some kind of perceived "attitude." As I said, as far as I was concerned, I was patiently standing there waiting my turn. I wasn't upset, I wasn't stressed . I cannot even tell you what I thinking in the moments before she said this.
Still shocked, I thought I could just handle this with a simple apology so I kindly touched her on the shoulder and said to her that I was sorry if she thought I had a poor attitude, but that was not my intention at all.
Guess what? She would not even look at me AT ALL!!!! She just looked straight forward with this enraged (dare I say indignant) look on her face.
So I said again, "look honey....I just apologized to you. I assure you I was not intentionally emanating any bad attitude. Can you acknowledge that?"
So I shook my head, walked away and ---------------- I let it go.
Well - - - - eventually I let it go. For a while there, I had steam coming out of ears over how rude and disrespectful she had acted and contemplated filing a complaint with the manager.
In the end I decided not to file a complaint. I chalked it up to her being under stress and later, she saw me in the break room and randomly just said she didn't feel well; Still not acknowledging that her behavior was inappropriate-------but whatever.
Friday, July 5, 2019
Drowning in Lemonade
I know the title sounds crazy, but it is a reference to the old saying, 'when life hands you lemons, make lemonade'.
A confession of sorts: I'm afraid to be happy.
As sad as that sounds, it is very true. This is a conditioned response. You see, for the past four years, whenever I have allowed myself to think life is going well and I am getting closer to financial stability - - - - - - - - the hammer falls.
The latest lemon comes in the form of job loss. Due to several circumstances, the school board deemed the school unsustainable for upcoming school year and closed it's doors.
I already have another job, but it's not ideal.
I could tell you all the other lemon experiences, but that would just end up sounding like I'm throwing a pity party - and, who am I kidding? I probably am.
A confession of sorts: I'm afraid to be happy.
As sad as that sounds, it is very true. This is a conditioned response. You see, for the past four years, whenever I have allowed myself to think life is going well and I am getting closer to financial stability - - - - - - - - the hammer falls.
The latest lemon comes in the form of job loss. Due to several circumstances, the school board deemed the school unsustainable for upcoming school year and closed it's doors.
I already have another job, but it's not ideal.
- it's for about the same amount of money I made at KCC
- it's most likely going to be a rougher commute with heavy traffic areas.
- it's really going to affect my Huntington job because the commute from my new school to Huntington is probably going to be 45 minutes at the least.
The positive side:
- At least I have a job
- My friend, Mere, got a job at the same place so we can continue to work together.
The negative side:
- I will be without at least 1 paycheck; could be two.
- I am expecting another fight with unemployment and would be shocked if they approve my benefits immediately (without an appeal). That could take up to 3-4 weeks!!!
I could tell you all the other lemon experiences, but that would just end up sounding like I'm throwing a pity party - and, who am I kidding? I probably am.
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